
NFC Application



NFC application is the core of many of our work time management services as this method offers pinpoint accuracy and reliability. The idea is that employees carry an NFC phone which allows for tagging at different work sites. The RFID tags are located at different work sites and the working time begins and ends by just touching the tag with the phone. The information is then automatically transmitted to the server in real-time. Tagging couldn't be any quicker or easier!


  • Accurate and reliable
  • Place-dependent – the location of an employee can be confirmed
  • Improves safety and punctuality
  • Alarms ensure that work begins and ends on time
  • Enables real-time monitoring of different work sites


  • Supports unilimited number of RFID tag labels
  • Automatic data transfer
  • An NFC phone is also a modern mobile phone



NFC phone and RFID tag labels are appropriate especially for work in which

  • the work site is fixed
  • there are multiple work sites
  • employees travel between different work sites
  • you have to be able to verify reliably and promptly when a work site has been visited

Our sales personnel will help you to find the best way to use the NFC phones and RFID tags.


The NFC phones are prepared by MaxTech and are ready for use when they are delivered, including a SIM-card and necessary software.

Start-up support

Our support personnel will give assistance by phone or email, if necessary.



We have several different phone models from all the major phone manufacturers to choose from. These models change every now and then as they get new features and improvements.

Please contant our sales personnel to learn more about the phones and to get help in choosing the best alternative that will suit Your needs.



  • Maintenance

  • Security

  • Construction

